Bora! Deborah (2023): 1x3
The End of a Pathetic Relationship
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Bo-ra still denies Ju-wan is cheating on her, even after she witnesses it herself. She rationalizes his behavior and hopes he will sort out the situation. But things don’t go as planned. Bo-ra overhears the truth Ju-wan has been hiding and it all leads to a devastating consequence.
True To Love
- 1 - 1Something Small and Sparkly 12. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 2Sad Ending 13. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 3The End of a Pathetic Relationship 19. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 4Crazier Than Joker 20. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 5A Cold Is Incurable 26. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 6I Will Survive in This Beautiful Breeze 27. Apr, 2023
- 1 - 7Shall We? 03. May, 2023
- 1 - 8Rewrite the Ending of This Story 04. May, 2023
- 1 - 9Things We Say After A Kiss 10. May, 2023
- 1 - 10Catfish Makes Way, Sardine Makes a Move 11. May, 2023
- 1 - 11Can't Wait for Winter to Come 17. May, 2023
- 1 - 12Like a Scene From a Drama 18. May, 2023
- 1 - 13It's All About Timing, Take Courage First 24. May, 2023
- 1 - 14True to Love 25. May, 2023
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