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Dragons: Race to the Edge (2015): 3x12
Last Auction Heroes
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Snotlout is sent on an undercover mission to Viggo’s dragon auction as part of a plan to rescue the dragons and stop Viggo from getting richer.
- 3 - 1Enemy of My Enemy 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 2Crash Course 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 3Follow the Leader 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 4Turn and Burn 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 5Buffalord Soldier 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 6A Grim Retreat 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 7To Heather or Not to Heather 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 8Stryke Out 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 9Tone Death 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 10Between a Rock and a Hard Place 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 11Family on the Edge 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 12Last Auction Heroes 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 13Defenders of the Wing, Part 1 24. Jun, 2016
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