Game of Thrones (2011): 1x1
Winter Is Coming
What’s your Reaction?
Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is dead. King Robert Baratheon plans to ask his oldest friend, Eddard Stark, to take Jon’s place. Across the sea, Viserys Targaryen plans to wed his sister to a nomadic warlord in exchange for an army.
- 1 - 1Winter Is Coming 17. Apr, 2011
- 1 - 2The Kingsroad 24. Apr, 2011
- 1 - 3Lord Snow 01. May, 2011
- 1 - 4Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things 08. May, 2011
- 1 - 5The Wolf and the Lion 15. May, 2011
- 1 - 6A Golden Crown 22. May, 2011
- 1 - 7You Win or You Die 29. May, 2011
- 1 - 8The Pointy End 05. Jun, 2011
- 1 - 9Baelor 12. Jun, 2011
- 1 - 10Fire and Blood 19. Jun, 2011
rewatch karena lupa lagi alurnya :’)
internet lancar, gak pake adblock, udah pake chrome tapi tulisannya Warning
The video server could not be reached. ini kenapa ya?
HLS nya error
ini website idlix emg rusak atau gmn si, wifi lancar tpi disini muter mulu
Tolong lah kalo iklan sekali dua kali anj setiap mulai iklan kapan nonton ny
perasaan cuma 2kali doang bang, ga nge spam kok
kenapa tiap mau diplay selalu corrupt ya? mncul iklan terus
minn gabisa minn, tolong perbaiki<3
asli ni film bikin ketagihan meskipun udah 2x nonton ulang ga bosen” bjir
this is where all begins
kalo ngga iklan corrupt
Boromir wkwk
[wpd-giphy id=’xT0xesndYrqSLW9V0A’ subdomain=’media2′ width=’416′ height=’314′]
min, mau reqq engsub di semua season boleh ga
the first minute i feel like no drive to watch this but i convincing my self to watch till the end, so here i am still watch and still rate it, the end was so amazed me even i cant say a word. a solid 9.5
si series enjoyer ini akan bekomentar aneh serta memberi rating kesetiap episode, jadi tugas kalian adalah dislike komentar si Series enjoyer kalau kalian ingin hidup damai.
Finally rewatch again, dulu nonton ini lewat Pahe download dlu trs subtitle download juga blm lagi klo kendala subtitlenya ga sinkron wkwk perjuangan bgt.
Btw mumpung pas bgt momennya,
Winter Is Coming