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Hannibal (2013): 2x12
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Bedelia returns and accepts immunity to testify against Hannibal. Mason Verger plots revenge after learning of Hannibal’s manipulations.
- 2 - 1Kaiseki 28. Feb, 2014
- 2 - 2Sakizuke 07. Mar, 2014
- 2 - 3Hassun 14. Mar, 2014
- 2 - 4Takiawase 21. Mar, 2014
- 2 - 5Mukōzuke 28. Mar, 2014
- 2 - 6Futamono 04. Apr, 2014
- 2 - 7Yakimono 11. Apr, 2014
- 2 - 8Su-zakana 18. Apr, 2014
- 2 - 9Shiizakana 25. Apr, 2014
- 2 - 10Naka-Choko 02. May, 2014
- 2 - 11Kō No Mono 09. May, 2014
- 2 - 12Tome-wan 16. Jun, 2014
- 2 - 13Mizumono 23. May, 2014
They think they could manipulate dr. Hannibal, while He trying to test Will to murder people as a sign of loyalty?!
Capek banget ini episode, main kucing kucingan, siapa yang lagi ketipu sama siapa.