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Sex and the City (1998): 3x11
Running With Scissors
Carrie continues her affair with Big, and tells Samantha after a girly night and Miranda after a drink on their cocktail night. Charlotte finds out by accident, when she bumps into them on the street together. No longer meeting in hotels where nobody knows them in to avoid getting caught,Natasha comes home early from the Hamptons catching Carrie in Big’s apartment. She chases Carrie out, falls down the stairs and cracks her tooth. Carrie takes her to A&E where she tells Big “they are so over they need a new word for over”. Miranda tries continually to get Carrie to end her affair. Charlotte hires stylist Anthony Marentino to help her find the perfect wedding dress. Samantha meets the “male version of herself”, but he refuses to sleep with her because she hasn’t had an HIV test.
- 3 - 1Where There's Smoke... 04. Jun, 2000
- 3 - 2Politically Erect 11. Jun, 2000
- 3 - 3Attack of the 5'10'' Woman 18. Jun, 2000
- 3 - 4Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... 25. Jun, 2000
- 3 - 5No Ifs, Ands, or Butts 09. Jul, 2000
- 3 - 6Are We Sluts? 16. Jul, 2000
- 3 - 7Drama Queens 23. Jul, 2000
- 3 - 8The Big Time 30. Jul, 2000
- 3 - 9Easy Come, Easy Go 06. Aug, 2000
- 3 - 10All or Nothing 13. Aug, 2000
- 3 - 11Running With Scissors 20. Aug, 2000
- 3 - 12Don't Ask, Don't Tell 27. Aug, 2000
- 3 - 13Escape from New York 10. Sep, 2000
- 3 - 14Sex and Another City 17. Sep, 2000
- 3 - 15Hot Child in the City 24. Sep, 2000
- 3 - 16Frenemies 01. Oct, 2000
- 3 - 17What Goes Around Comes Around 08. Oct, 2000
- 3 - 18Cock a Doodle Do! 15. Oct, 2000