Street Woman Fighter (2021): 2x1
No Respect Dancer
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The eight crews joining this season, 1MILLION, Deep N Dap, BEBE, JAM REPUBLIC, LADYBOUNCE, MANNEQUEEN, TSUBA KILL, and Wolf’Lo, gather at the fight club and watch the evaluation clips. Then they begin No Respect, Battle with the Weakest Dancer, where dancers pick a dancer they think is the weakest and has a battle against them. They are evaluated by the three fight judges, Monika, Mike Song, and Shownu.
- 2 - 1No Respect Dancer 22. Aug, 2023
- 2 - 2The Class Mission 29. Aug, 2023
- 2 - 3K-pop Death Match Mission 05. Sep, 2023
- 2 - 4Elimination Battle 12. Sep, 2023
- 2 - 5Mega Crew Mission 26. Sep, 2023
- 2 - 6Second Elimination Battle 03. Oct, 2023
- 2 - 7New Choreography Mission 10. Oct, 2023
- 2 - 8Episode 8 17. Oct, 2023
- 2 - 9Episode 9 24. Oct, 2023
- 2 - 10The Finals 31. Oct, 2023
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