The Boys (2019): 2x5
We Gotta Go Now
What’s your Reaction?
Butcher has no more intentions to fight with Supes, but Black Noir traces his location and finds him. Supes shoot a film titled `Dawn of the Seven.’ Homelander does what Stormfront told him to do.
- 2 - 1The Big Ride 03. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 2Proper Preparation and Planning 03. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 3Over the Hill With the Swords of a Thousand Men 03. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 4Nothing Like It in the World 10. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 5We Gotta Go Now 17. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 6The Bloody Doors Off 24. Sep, 2020
- 2 - 7Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker 01. Oct, 2020
- 2 - 8What I Know 08. Oct, 2020
malah ngentottt
gajelas banget anjir ngentod di udara, flying ride
nice ride
mulai ga seru, isinya orang-orang patah hati semua, kaya nonton bocah puber, mulai ga seru
gw bakal nonton sampe habis!!! s**
error min
imagine behind the scene
cara ngatasin buffering mulu gmn coyy??