The Day of the Jackal (2024): 1x9
Episode 9
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With the release of RIver imminent, UDC believes himself safe. As time runs out, the Jackal must use all his skills to reach his target.
With the release of RIver imminent, UDC believes himself safe. As time runs out, the Jackal must use all his skills to reach his target.
Kelas kang Jackal, Aimbot pekalongan ON, itu tim nya UDC kaga inisiatip apa kek tutupin perahu kek, tutupin speed boat juga boleh, anjir dibiarin bangke 😂 tapi gkpp lah cepet mati aja orang gay mah.
Thx Admin and Translator kang Murphy’s,
bagus ini saya suka… the first 4 eps was kinda blah tho…
17:34 yes b* stfu.
Baru kali ini nonton series, amaze sama pemeran antagonisnya 😍😍😍
setiap ada scene si kai cenat selalu gw skip jing, kesel banget gatau diri udah berapa orang mati gara gara dia
Njir kai senat
kereennn 👍🏽 👍🏽
Bruhh why nobody chase jackal when the first shot came??? Why nobody jumps into water to cover udc???? Cmon the plot armor was ????????
no one wanna die first bruh
banyak pertimbangannya, orang villa pada ga tau kan si sniper nya seperti apa bentuk dia ataupun jumlah peluru yg dia punya, terus td ada yg coba reach pake jet ski dan drone, sm aja kan ga berdampak? pada takut mati juga lah, toh juga si pengawal yg ikut renag modar, jadi yaa susah buat dipertimbangkan.
I’m assuming you talk about the first shot he did to kill the jetski guard, not the one he did to test the accuracy.
You are sitting duck in water.
The Jackal kill the jetski guard, kill the swimming guard, mess up the drone, everyone are not ready to deal with an enemy they can’t reach.
And everyone don’t wanna die in vain without retaliation, even though they already get paid as a security guard.
Snipernya apa itu bjir keren bjirr tiap senjata nya wkwkw
custom broh snipernya..
beli di mana bang ? , semoga di mamat gunshop ada , mau pesen
Kenapa ini eps gw ngebug ngulang2 mulu admin idlix heyy, eps lain lancarr aja gw nonton
kerennn gilaaaaaa
Negro goblok ngotot bgt anj1ng mati aja lont3,