Tokyo Ghoul (2014): 3x8
Take: The One That Wriggles
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Tsukiyama’s condition worsens. Tatara and Ayato argue about rescuing Hinami. Shirazu finds it difficult to take possession of the Nutcracker quinque. Quinx Squad begins a new joint investigation with S1 Squad.
- 3 - 1Those Who Hunt: Start 03. Apr, 2018
- 3 - 2Member: Fragments 10. Apr, 2018
- 3 - 3fresh: Eve 17. Apr, 2018
- 3 - 4MAIN: Auction 24. Apr, 2018
- 3 - 5Press: Night of Scattering 01. May, 2018
- 3 - 6turn: In the End 08. May, 2018
- 3 - 7mind: Days of Recollections 15. May, 2018
- 3 - 8Take: The One That Wriggles 22. May, 2018
- 3 - 9Play: Ghost 29. May, 2018
- 3 - 10Think: Wavering 05. Jun, 2018
- 3 - 11Write: Failure 12. Jun, 2018
- 3 - 12Beautiful Dream: Dawn 19. Jun, 2018
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