Seasons and episodes
6Season 6 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 1In Plain Sight 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 2No Bark, All Bite 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 3Chain of Command 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 4Loyal Order of Ingerman 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 5A Gruff Separation 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 6Mi Amore Wing 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 7Ruff Transition 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 8Triple Cross 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 9Family Matters 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 10Darkest Night 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 11Guardians of Vanaheim 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 12King of Dragons, Part 1 16. Feb, 2018
- 6 - 13King of Dragons, Part 2 16. Feb, 2018
5Season 5 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 1Living on the Edge 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 2Sandbusted 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 3Something Rotten on Berserker Island 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 4Snotlout's Angels 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 5A Matter of Perspective 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 6Return of Thor Bonecrusher 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 7Dawn of Destruction 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 8The Wings of War, Part 1 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 9The Wings of War, Part 2 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 10No Dragon Left Behind 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 11Snuffnut 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 12Searching for Oswald ... and Chicken 25. Aug, 2017
- 5 - 13Sins of the Past 25. Aug, 2017
4Season 4 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 1Defenders of the Wing: Part 2 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 2Gruff Around the Edges 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 3Midnight Scrum 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 4Not Lout 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 5Saving Shattermaster 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 6Dire Straits 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 7The Longest Day 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 8Gold Rush 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 9Out of the Frying Pan 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 10Twintuition 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 11Blindsided 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 12Shell Shocked: Part 1 17. Feb, 2017
- 4 - 13Shell Shocked: Part 2 17. Feb, 2017
3Season 3 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 1Enemy of My Enemy 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 2Crash Course 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 3Follow the Leader 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 4Turn and Burn 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 5Buffalord Soldier 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 6A Grim Retreat 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 7To Heather or Not to Heather 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 8Stryke Out 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 9Tone Death 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 10Between a Rock and a Hard Place 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 11Family on the Edge 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 12Last Auction Heroes 24. Jun, 2016
- 3 - 13Defenders of the Wing, Part 1 24. Jun, 2016
2Season 2 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 1Team Astrid 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 2Night of the Hunters (1) 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 3Night of the Hunters (2) 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 4Bad Moon Rising 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 5Snotlout Gets the Axe 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 6The Zippleback Experience 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 7Snow Way Out 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 8Edge of Disaster, Part 1 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 9Edge of Disaster, Part 2 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 10Shock and Awe 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 11A Time to Skrill 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 12Maces and Talons (1) 08. Jan, 2016
- 2 - 13Maces and Talons (2) 08. Jan, 2016
1Season 1 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 1Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 1 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 2Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 2 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 3Imperfect Harmony 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 4When Darkness Falls 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 5Big Man on Berk 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 6Gone Gustav Gone 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 7Reign of Fireworms 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 8Crushing It 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 9Quake, Rattle and Roll 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 10Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 1 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 11Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 2 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 12The Next Big Sting 26. Jun, 2015
- 1 - 13Total Nightmare 26. Jun, 2015
Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Riders soar to the edge of adventure.
Hiccup (voice)
Astrid (voice)
Snotlout (voice)
Fishlegs (voice)
Video trailer
Original title Dragons: Race to the Edge
TMDb Rating 8.231 314 votes
First air date 26. Jun, 2015
Last air date 16. Feb, 2018
Seasons 6
Episodes 78
Average Duration 23 minutes
Nonton Serial TV Dragons: Race to the Edge (2015) - IDLIX
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Tips Nonton Series di IDLIX
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